Welcome to Stonewall Labradors. Dedicated to the All-Around Labrador Retriever. Home of Lands End’s Trouble Brewing CDX, SH, WCX, CH Hunterleigh Tabatha Headline JH, CD and CH Hunterleigh’s Stonewall Gabby, CGC. We are located in Southern California. We exhibit our dogs in Conformation, Field and Obedience. Our goal is to own and breed great examples of the Labrador breed. Temperament is most important, because it is the true hallmark of a Labrador Retriever. Hope to see you around soon in the ring or the field. I am a member of the LRC Southern California, High Desert LRC, San Diego LRC and The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc
We are currently updating our website. Please check back for updates.
To contact us, please email: ron@stonewalllabs.com
Header photo by Elizabeth Arellano Photography